Saturday, February 11, 2012

Review: Braid

Yes, I have discovered Braid and oh my god I have been missing out.  Actually first of all, I have been completely ignoring my Steam account as of late which is ludicrous because of all the free demos and stuff steam has ANYWAY! Braid is fucking unbelievable, of course the first thing I thought of was PoP (prince o persia) when i played the demo, but Braid is so much more.
We've all seen lots of games that tie time control into the flow of the gameplay, but none as so perfectly as Braid.  When the time control becomes absolutely necessary to finish the level rather than stock piled extra life mode.

One feature that Braid encompasses that really pleasantly surprised me was the time forward ability.  When you enter a level, you could complete half the level and not realize till close to the end that you forgot a crucial step in the beginning, Braid gives you time travel, BUT you dont just have the ability to go back a few seconds, you can literally rewind to when you first entered the level.  You can literally traverse backward 10 minutes of gameplay.  Braid makes this method of play more strategic by also giving you to ability to fast forward back to a place you were before in the course of that activated time control.  So you can pinpoint pretty much down to the exact second; where you want to end up.  You might spend 20 minutes figuring out how to get a key out of a tunnel, only to rewind the entire process with the key still in your hand.

It will appeal to the modern gaming completionist as well.  Through the levels you must find literal puzzle pieces to literally solve puzzles.  Braid incorporates those puzzle pieces in more ways than one and it will absolutely astound you how.

Braid is one of the best puzzle platformers I've ever had the pleasure to play.  It's unique gameplay, absolutely GORGEOUS art style, simple yet compelling story, eerie but beautiful soundtrack, kept me wanting more and more.  The one major point I will warn about; Braid is hard, I did find myself looking up walkthroughs to reach that just out of hand puzzle piece, but even then, grabbing the piece never felt so satisfying.
The trailer gives you a little peek at the soundtrack as well

BRAID: 8 out of 10 Thumbs

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